Lajos VAJDA este Directorul Incubatorului de Afaceri din Sfantu Gheorghe, Coordonatorul Asociatiei IMM-urilor din judetul Covasna – ASIMCOV,
Presedintele Asociatiei Incubatoarelor si Centrelor de Afaceri din Romania – AICAR, Vicepresedintele Asociatiei Clusterelor din Romania, Presedintele Clusterului Green Energy.
A implementat mai multe proiecte cu finantare de la Uniunea Europeana – POSDRU, Leonardo Da Vinci, FP7, PHARE – si doreste in continuare sa militez si sa promovez importanta incubatoarelor de afaceri si a parcurilor industriale.
Crede cu tarie ca organizatiile de tip cluster in diferite domenii pot fi solutii pentru dezvoltarea economiei in Romania si pot fi utilizate ca instrumente prin care putem extinde relatiile noastre la nivel regional, national si international.
Promotor al procesului de clusterizare din Romania si al ideii de constituire a clusterelor bazate pe potential regional.
Președintele Consorțiului Clusterelor din Regiunea Centru cu denumirea Transylvania, cu 18 clustere membre.
Pentru constituirea Consortiului a obtinut Premiul pentru implicare in societate, distinctie acordata in cadrul Galei Premiilor VIP 2014.
A initiat in ultimii ani infiintarea mai multor clustere precum:
In anul 2013 Clusterul Inovativ al biomasei GREEN ENERGY a obtinut calificativul BRONZ acordat de Secretariatul European pentru Analiza Clusterelor si Cluster Excellence prin initiativa Comisiei Europene.
Totodata promoveaza ideea formarii retelelor de clustere existente intr-o Regiune.
Promotor al crearii parteneriatelor pentru clusterele din Romania cu clustere din alte tari.
Promotor al participarii active a clusterelor in programul Strategia Dunarii; in special in domeniul biomasei, turism si agrofood.
Lajos VAJDA is the director of the Business Incubator from Sfantu Gheorghe.
Coordinator – Association of SME’s of Covasna County,
President – Association of Incubators and Business Centers from Romania – AICAR,
Vicepresident – Romanian Cluster Association
President – Green Energy Innovative Biomass Cluster
He implemented several projects with EU funding- POSDRU, Leonardo Da Vinci, FP7, PHARE – and he wants to promote the importance of business incubators and industrial parks.
He strongly believes that clusters in different fields of activity can be a solution for the development of the romanian economy and they can be used as tools through which relations can be broaden to regional, national and international level.
Promoter of the clusterization process in Romania, and the idea of building clusters based on the potential of the region.
President of the Cluster Consortium from Centru Region, by the name Transylvania, with 18 clusters, as members.
For the formation of the Cluster Consortium he received the award Implication in the Society, at the VIP award ceremony 2014.
He initiated the establishment of several clusters, such as :
In 2014 the Green Energy Innovative Biomass Cluster received the BRONZE qualification given by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis and Cluster Excellence, at the initiative of the European Commision.
At the same time, he is the promoter of the idea of formation cluster networks with already established clusters in a Region.
Promoter of partnerships of clusters from Romania with clusters from other countries.
Promoter of active participation on clusters in the Danube Strategy Programme: especially in the field of biomass, tourism and agrofood.
CONTACT: Tel: +40 751 090 944; e-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]/ [email protected]