Maricel Popa este secretar de stat in Ministerul Economiei. Este absolvent al Institutului Politehnic “Gh. Asachi” Iasi unde a urmat si un curs post-universitar de specializare in automatizari si calculatoare. In 2003 a obtinut atestatul national in management general si consultanta in managementul industrial iar in 2005 a absolvit Colegiul National de Aparare din Bucuresti. In 2006 a obtinut doctoratul in specializarea radiocomunicatii. Incepand cu 1994 a fost director general al SC Omega Communications SRL Iasi devenind in 2000 presedinte al Grupului Omega-Tehnoton Iasi. Anterior numirii in functia de secretar de stat a fost consul onorific al Republice Islamice Pakistan. S-a implicat permanent in mediul tehnic si de afaceri fiind presedinte de onoare si membru fondator al Asociatiei Oamenilor de Afaceri din Iasi si presedinte si mediu fondator al Asociatiei Generale a Inginerilor din Romania. A scris si contribuit la diverse lucrari si carti tehnice de specialitate.
Maricel Popa is State Secretary in the Ministry of Economy. He graduated the “Gh. Asachi” Polytechnic Institute of Iasi where he pursued a post-graduate specialization course in automation and computers. In 2003 he was nationally certified as consultant in general management and industrial and in 2005 he graduated the National Defense College in Bucharest. In 2006 he got his doctorate in radio-communication specialization. Since 1994 he was general manager of SC Omega Communications SRL Iasi and in 2000 he became president of Omega-Tehnoton Group in Iasi. Prior to being appointed Secretary of State he has been Honorary Consul of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. He constantly involved in technical and business fields as honorary president and founding member of the Association of Businessmen in Iasi and president and founder of the General Association of Engineers in Romania. He has written and contributed to various technical specialty papers and books.